Correlations between Pain and Pain Determining Factors after SNPE Exercise Program in Patients with Dorsopathies
ECSS Virtual Congress 2021
European College of Sport Science
This study examined the relationships between pain and the pain determining factors such as muscular tension, postural alignment, and skeletal structure after Self Natural Posture Exercise (SNPE) exercise programs in adult patients with dorsopathies.
The subjects were 70 females (34.7±6.6 yrs, 20.7±2.5kg/m2) diagnosed with cervical or lumbar dorsopathies, and were divided into 3 groups; Cervical Experimental Group (CEG, n=36), Lumbar Experimental Group (LEG; n=16), and Control Group (CG; n=18). CEG and LEG exercised 80 min per session, 3 times a week for 12 weeks, while CG did not participate in any exercise program. Pressure pain threshold (PPT), muscle tone (suboccipital muscle, upper trapezius, lower trapezius, erector spinae muscles), postural alignment (shoulder balance, pelvic balance), and skeletal structure (cervical and lumbar Cobbs angle) were measured before and after the exercise program. The change of measured values (Cdiff) before and after the program for all subjects were calculated and the relationships of Cdiff between variables were examined.
The relationship between Cdiff of PPT and Cdiff of muscle tone in suboccipital muscle (r=.348, p<.01), upper trapezius (r=.415, p<.01), lower trapezius (r=.318, p<.01), and erector spinae muscles (r=.303, p<.01) was significant.
A relationship between Cdiff of shoulder balance and Cdiff of PPT in suboccipital muscle (r=.230, p<.05), upper trapezius (r=.190), lower trapezius (r=.372, p<.01), and erector spinae muscles (r=.267, p<.05) was identified. A relationship between Cdiff of pelvic balance and Cdiff of PPT in suboccipital muscle (r=.230, p<.05), upper trapezius (r=.190), lower trapezius (r=.372, p<.01), and erector spinae muscles (r=.267, p<.05) was also noticed.
A relationship between Cdiff of cervial Cobb’s angle and PPT in suboccipital muscle (r=.084), upper trapezius (r=.033), lower trapezius (r=.280, p<.05), and erector spinae muscles (r=.080) was noticed. A relationship between Cdiff of lumbar Cobb’s angle and PPT in suboccipital muscle (r=-.062), upper trapezius (r=-.065), lower trapezius (r=.187), and erector spinae muscles (r=.032) was identified.
Based on the results, the correlations between Cdiff of pressure pain threshold and Cdiff of muscle tone were significant, and this relationship was stronger than other two variables such as the postural alignment and skeletal structure. This indicates that the positive changes of pressure pain threshold after the exercise program of SNPE can be more reliably explained by the muscle tone changes.
Effects Of SNPE Program On Factors Of Pain In Patient With Dorsopathies
2021 ACSM's 68th Annual Meeting
Effects of the SNPE(Self Natural Posture Exercise) Program on Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and Range of Motion of the Neck and Shoulder
The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 2019, 58(6), 377-387
The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the SNPE program on the neck and shoulder pain and range of motion of adult women with chronic musculoskeletal pain. The study was conducted by dividing Thirty nine women in their 20s and 30s(28.7±6.1 yrs, 23.1±3.5 kg/m2) with a NDI total score of 5 or more were divided into 3 groups; SNPEG (n=17), SG (n=10), NG (n=12). SNPEG and SG performed 60 minutes of exercise per session, at twice a week, for 12 weeks, and NG did not participate in any exercise program. All subjects in all groups were measured for pain and range of motion. Pre- and post-group differences were conducted with Paired -test and ANCOVA for differences between groups. All significant levels are α=.05. As a result, the SNPEG showed the greatest difference in all measurement areas of the neck vertebrae and shoulder ( <.01). The changes of range of motion indicated the greatest difference in neck flexion and rotation (left), and in shoulder mobility ( <.05), SG showed the greatest difference ( <.01). The results of this study confirmed that the SNPE program was helpful for women in their 20s and 30s with chronic musculoskeletal pain, and for improving the range of motion. These results suggest that SNPE can be presented as an effective improvement program for adult women suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain in the neck and shoulder regions.
Key words: SNPE, chronic muscluloskeletal pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, VAS, ROM
SNPE(Self Natural Posture Exercise) 프로그램이 경추와 어깨의 만성 근골격계 통증 및 관절가동범위에 미
본 연구는 SNPE 운동 프로그램이 만성 근골격계 통증을 가지고 있는 성인 여성의 경추와 어깨의 통증 및 관절가동범위에 미치는 영향을 검증하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상자는 만성 근골격계
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